We perform the following analyses (follow the links for a brief description of the methodology for that procedure)*
- Crushing and Sieving (S01)
- Nitrate and Nitrite (S09, S10, S11)
- Ammonium (S10, S11)
- Total Nitrogen (S23, S26)
- Organic Matter (S05)
- Organic Carbon (S24, S25, S26)
- pH (S06)
- Carbonate, Total (S29)
- Chloride (S14)
- Saturated Extract/Electrical Conductance (S32)
- Exchangeable Sodium Percentage (ESP) and/or Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR) (S33, S34)
- Boron, Hot Water Extractable (S13)
- Sulfur, Total (S27)
- Sulfate, Extractable (S19)
- Phosphorus, Bray-1 Extractable (for non-calcareous soils) (S17)
- Phosphorus, Olsen Bicarbonate Extractable (for calcareous soils) (S18)
- Total Phosphorus (S37 by request)
- Available Potassium (S15)
- Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC) by direct method (S30)
- Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC) by summation method (S31)
- Extractable/Exchangeable Ca, Mg, Na, K, and Mn (S16)
- Extractable Metals (Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Cd, Cr, Ni, and Pb), DTPA (S28)
- Extractable Metals, 1 M HNO3 (S30)
- Exchangeable Aluminum (S12)
- Mehlich III Extractable Nutrients (S21)
- “Total” Elemental, Microwave (S22)
- Mercury, Total (S28 - old sheets S32) (Not Currently Available)
- Textural Analysis, Hydrometer (S36)
- Soil Fertility Tests (Scoop Volume) (S3-S8)
*Please note that Test Codes S09 through S36 are done on a weighed soil basis, while the tests performed under Test Codes S03-S08 are done using a soil volume measurement (scoop) rather than a measured weight of soil. Test Codes S03-S08 are the same as the Soil Testing Laboratory’s Routine tests.
At this time we cannot offer organic determinations (i.e. pesticide analyses).