Major Equipment

iCap 7600 Duo ICP-OES Analyzer

Picture of ICP iCAP

Inductively-Coupled Plasma - Optical Emission Spectrometers are used to determine the concentration of multiple elements simultaneously on a variety of extractions and water samples. Multiple viewing options provide improved readings for trace elemental concentrations. 



Lachat 8500 Flow Injection Analyzer 

Picture of LACHAT

Flow-injection analyzers employ colorimetry (or turbidimetry) to determine the concentration of compounds-of-interest in liquid samples, including water and extracts from soil, plant, and other materials.  Our system is equipped for quantification of  Nitrate-N, Nitrite-N, Ammonia-N, Total Nitrogen, Ortho-phosphate-P, Total Phosphorus, Chloride, and Sulfate-S.



Elementar Rapid CS Cube

Picture of Elementar Sulfur

A combustion analyzer used to determine the percentage of total sulfur in soil, plant, and other solid samples. Samples are burned at 1150° Celsius in an oxygen rich atmosphere with tungsten oxide catalyst. Sulfur in the sample is converted to sulfur dioxide (SO2) gas, which is quantified by a non-dispersive infrared detecter.



Soxtherm Rapid Extraction System

Picture of Oil Extractor

A reflux extractor used to extract soluble oils from soybean and other grain samples. Samples are placed in filter bags within fiber capsules suspended over a solution of petroleum ether. The petroleum ether is boiled and condensed through multiple cycles until all soluble oil has been collected at the bottom of the vessel.



Elementar VarioMAX C/N Analyzer 

Picture of C/N

A combustion analyzer used for the determination of Total Carbon and Total Nitrogen in soil, plant, and other solid materials. 

Samples are burned at 900° Celcius in an oxygen rich atmosphere. The carbon and nitrogen constituents in the sample are converted to carbon dioxide (C02) and di-nitrogen (N2), respectively. The CO2 and N2 are isolated in a series of reaction tubes, and each is quantified in succession by a thermal conductivity detector,

For Total Organic Carbon in soil, samples are pre-treated with HCl to remove any inorganic carbonates before analysis.



Dionex Integrion HPIC

Picture of the Ion Chromatograph

A high-pressure (high-performance) ion chromatograph used for simultaneous quantification of Fluoride, Chloride, Nitrate, Nitrite, Bromide, Phosphate, and Sulfate in water. Detection limits for most elements are approximately 0.1 mg/l.




Elementar vario TOC cube

Picture of Elementar TOC

A liquid analyzer used to measure organically and inorganically bound carbon and nitrogen in aqueous solutions by combustion.





SCP Science NovaWAVE

Picture of Novawave

A microwave-assisted digestion system for the breakdown of soil, plant, and other materials for ICP analysis. It is also used in determining crude fiber measurements on soybeans. Each sample is monitored for temperature and pressure to ensure complete digestion of the sample. Digest methods are chosen based on the sample type and desired analysis.




Perkin Elmer AAnalyst 100 Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer

Picture of AA

Used to determine potassium levels in (ammonium acetate) soil extracts.





Brinkmann PC 900 Probe Colorimeter

Picture of Colorimeter

An oldy-but-goody used for the colorimetric determination of phosphorus in Bray and Olsen soil extracts. It uses a fiber optic cable in conjunction with a mirrored tip to determine the absorption of light by a colored solution.




Shimadzu GCMS-QP2010 SE

Picture of GCMS

Not currently in service.