Method References

Reference Sources

A. American Public Health Association, American Water Works Association, Water Environment Federation. 2017. Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater. 34rd ed. Am. Public Health Assoc., 800 I Street, Washington, DC 20001.

B. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. March, 1979. Methods for chemical analysis of water and wastes. EPA-6004-79-020. Environmental Monitoring and Support Laboratory, Office of Research and Development, Cincinnati, OH 45268.

C. Black, C.A. 1965. Methods of soil analysis. Part 2. ASA, 677 Segoe Rd S, Madison, WI 53711.

D. Soil Survey Laboratory Methods Manual. August 1992. Soil Survey Investigations Report No. 42. Soil Conservation Service, USDA, National Soil Survey Center.

E. Recommended Chemical Soil Test Procedures for the North Central Region. North Central Regional Research Publication No. 221 (Revised). Jan. 1998. Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station SB 1001.

F. Diagnosis and improvement of saline and alkaline soils, Agricultural Handbook No. 60. 1954. Rev: 1969. USDA, Gov. Print. Off., Washington, DC 20402.

G. Lachat Instruments, 5600 Lindburgh Drive, Loveland, CO 80539.  (See also, Reference Source L.)

H. Page, A. L. (ed.) 1982. Methods of soil analysis. Part 2. Chemical and Microbiological Properties, 2nd Ed., ASA, SSA, Madison, WI 53711.

I. Soil Survey Laboratory Methods and Procedures for Collecting Soil Samples. Soil Survey Investigations Report No. 1. Stock No. 0107-0298, U.S. Soil Conservation Service, USDA, Washington, DC 20402.

J. Thermo Fisher Scientific, 168 Third Avenue. Waltham, MA USA 02451.

K. Orion Research Incorporated Laboratory Products Group. The Schrafft Center. 529 Main St. Boston, MA 02129.

L. Lachat Instruments, P.O. Box 389, Loveland, CO 80539.

M. Elementar Americas, Inc., 119 Comac St, Ronkonkoma, NY 11779

N. Thermo Instrument Systems Inc. (Fisons Instruments Inc. Division) 81 Wyman Street PO Box 9046 Waltham, MA 02254.

O. Westerman, R.L. ed. 1990. Soil Testing and Plant Analysis. 3rd Edition. SSSA, Inc. Madison, WI 53771.

P. LDC Analytical. 3661 Interstate Industrial Park Rd. N. PO Box 10235. Riviera Beach, FL 33419-0235.

Q. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1992. Test Methods of Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods, SW-846, 3rd Edition. Evironmental Monitoring and Support Laboratory, Office for Research and Development, Cincinnati, OH 45268.

R. Hach Company. 5600 Lindbergh Drive. Loveland, Colorado 80537.  (See also, Reference Sources G and L.)


References Cited

1. Gelderman, R.H. and A.P. Mallarino. Soil Sample Preparation. p. 5-6 in Ref. Source E.

2. Willis, R. B. and C. E. Gentry. 1987. Automated method for determining nitrate and nitrite in water and soil extracts. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant. Anal. 18:625-636.

3. Gelderman, R.H. and D. Beegle. Nitrate-Nitrogen. p. 17-20. in Ref. Source E.

4. Henriksen A., and A. R. Selmer-Olsen. 1970. Automatic methods for determining nitrate and nitrite in water and soil extracts. Analyst 95:514-518.

5. “Determination of Nitrate/Nitrite in Surface and Wastewaters by Flow Injection Analysis”.  Quikchem Method 10-107-04-1-A, Lachat Instruments, Loveland, CO, 2007. Ref. Source L.

6. Keeney D. R. and Nelson D. W. Nitrogen-Inorganic Forms. Method 33-3.2 p. 643-698. in Ref. Source H.

7. “Determination of Ammonia in 10 mM H3PO4 by Flow Injection Analysis”.  Quikchem Method 10-107-06-2-R, Lachat Instruments, Loveland, CO, 1989. Ref. Source L and R.

9. Combs, S.M. and M.V. Nathan. Soil Organic Matter. p. 53-58. in Ref. Source E.

10. LECO Corporation. 3000 Lakeview Dr. St Joseph, MI 49085.

11. Watson, M.E. and J.R. Brown. pH and Lime Requirement. p. 13-16. in Ref. Source E.

12. Allison, L. E. and C. D. Moodie. Carbonate. Method 91-4. p. 1387. in Ref. Source C.

13. Gelderman R.H., J.L. Denning and R.J. Goos. Chlorides. p. 49-52. in Ref. Source E.

14. EPA Method No. 375.2. 1978. Chloride (Colorimetric, Automated, Ferricyanide, AA II).. in Ref. Source B.  (Also see Method Reference #43.)

15. Method 8A1. Saturation Extract. p. 386. in Ref. Source D.

16. Whitney, D.A. Soil Salinity. p. 59-60. in Ref. Source E.

17. Method 5D2. Exchangeable Sodium Percentage (ESP). p. 154. in Ref. Source D.

18. Method 5E. Sodium-Absorption Ratio (SAR). p.154. in Ref. Source D.

19. Watson, M. E. Boron. p. 45-48. in Source E.

20. Bingham, F. T. Boron. Method 25-9.1, p. 443. in Source H.

21. Fassel, V.A., and R.N. Kniseley. Nov. 1974. Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectroscopy. Anal. Chem. 46 (13):1110A-1120A. Also: Dahlquist, R.L. and J.W. Knoll. 1978. Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry: Analysis of biological materials and soils for major trace, and ultra-trace elements. Appl. Spectroscopy 32:1-30. ICP: ARL (Fisons) Model 3560 ICP-AES Ref. Source N.

23. Combs, S.M., J.L. Denning and K.D. Frank. Sulfate-sulfur. p. 35-40. in Ref. Source E.  (See also, “Determination of Sulfate by Flow Injection Analysis”.  Quikchem Method 12-116-10-1-D, Lachat Instruments, Loveland, CO, 2007. Ref. Source L.)

24. Frank K., D. Beagle and J. Denning. Phosphorus. p.21-29. in Ref. Source E.

25. Tadon, H., M.P. Cuescas, and E.H. Tyner. 1968. An acid-free vanadate-molybdate reagent for the determination of total P in soils. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc. 32:48-51.

26. Method No. 5A8. Ion Exchange Analysis, Cation Exchange Capacity, NH4OAc, pH 7.0 Automatic Extractor. p. 146-148. [Modified by substitution of KCl for NaCl] in Ref. Source D.

28. Method No. 5A3a. Cation Exchange Capacity by summation. p. 145. [Modified by substitution of CEC-7 for CEC-8.2] inRef. Source D.

30. Thomas, G. W. Exchange Cations. Method 9-3.1. p.159-165. in Ref. Source H.

31. Baker, D. E. and M. C. Amacher. Nickel, Copper, Zinc. and Cadmium. Method 19-3.3. p. 323-336. in Ref. Source H. Also: Whitney, D.A. Micronutrients: Zinc, Iron, Manganese and Copper. p. 41-44. in Ref. Source E.

32. Mielke, H.W., J.C. Anderson, K.J. Berry, P.W. Mielke, R.L. Chaney, and M. Leech. 1983. Lead concentrations in inner-city soils as a factor in the child lead problem. AJPH. 73:1366-1369. Also (For Pb): Soil Testing and Research Analytical Laboratories. 1991. Determination of Lead in Soil. University of Minnesota. St. Paul, MN 55108. [Referred to in MPCA Rules, Minnesota Rules Chapter 4760 Entitled “Lead Abatement in Soil” 1991.]

33. Barnhisel R. and P.M. Bertsch. 1982. Aluminum. p. 275-300. In A.L. Page (ed.) Methods of soil analysis. Part 2 Chemicals and microbiological properties. 2nd ed. ASA and SSSA, Madison, WI.

34. Mehlich A. 1984. Mehlich 3 soil test extractant: a modification of mehlich 2 extractant. Commun. in Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 15:1409-1416.

35. Blancher, R.W., G. Rehm, and A. C. Caldwell. 1965. Sulfur in plant materials by digestion with nitric and perchloric acid. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc. 29:71-72.

36. EPA Method No. 3051. 1992. Microwave assisted acid digestion of sediments, sludges, soils, and oils. in Ref. Source Q.

37. EPA Method No. 7470A. 1992. Mercury in liquid waste (Manual Cold-Vapor Technique). in Ref. Source Q. AA: Ref Source P.

38. “Determination of Nitrate/Nitrite in Surface and Wastewaters by Flow Injection Analysis”.  Quikchem Method 10-107-04-1-A, Lachat Instruments, Loveland, CO, 2007. Ref. Source L & R.

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44. “Determination of Sulfate by Flow Injection Analysis”.  Quikchem Method 12-116-10-1-D, Lachat Instruments, Loveland, CO, 2003. Ref. Source B & R.

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58. Munter, R. C. and R. A. Grande. 1981. Plant tissue and soil extract analysis by ICP-AES. in R. M. Barnes (ed.) Developments in atomic plasma spectrochemical analysis. p.653-673. Heydon and Son, Philadelphia, PA. Also: Munter, R.C., T.L. Halverson, and R.D. Anderson. 1984. Quality assurance for plant tissue analysis by ICP-AES. Comm. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 15(15):1285-1322.

59. Gavlak, R.G., D.A. Horneck, and R.O. Miller. 1994. Plant, Soil and Water reference Methods for the Western Region. WREP 125. Also: Miller, R.O. and J. Kotuby-Amacher. 1996. Phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, calcium, magnesium, boron, zinc, copper, iron and manganese of botanical materials (Microwave Digestion/Dissolution Closed Vessel). p. 85-87. Western States Laboratory Proficiency testing Program Soil and Plant Analytical Methods. Version 3.00.

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62. Yeomans, J.C., and J.M. Bremner. 1991 Carbon and nitrogen analaysis of soils by automated combustion techniques. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal., 22(9&10), 843-850.

63. Lee, D., V. Nguyen, and S. Littlefield. 1996. Comparison of methods for determination of nitrogen levels in soil, plant, and body tissues, and water. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal., 27(3&4), 783-793.

64. Miller, R.O., R. Gavlak, D. Horneck. 2013. Particle Size Analysis (Hydrometer). p. 95-98. Soil, Plant, and Water Reference Methods for the Western Region. 4th Ed.

65. Warncke, D. and J.R. Brown. Potassium and Other Basic Cations. P. 31-33 in Ref. Source E.

66. Gerhardt SOXTHERM SOX 402 Extraction Unit: FOSS Analytical AB Application Notes System. SOX 4xx User Manual. September, 2011.

67. AOCS Official Method Ba 2a-38. 2009. Moisture and Volatile Matter. Sampling and Analysis of Oilseed By-Products. American Oil Chemists’ Society.

68. ANKOM Technology Method 7. 2008. Crude Fiber Analysis in Feeds by Filter Bag Technique. p. 23-26. (,A200I.pdf)